Where are the vineyards on martha's vineyard?

First Crush Winery is under the proud direction of winemaker Dr. The most exquisite wines possible are produced using the best fruit available, sparing no expense on equipment and attached products while following state-of-the-art winemaking procedures. Cape Cod Winery creates premium wines for residents and visitors to enjoy the best seafood and gourmet cuisine available on Cape Cod. Our vineyard is planted on a splendid site with sandy soil and gravel and gentle slopes that are ideal for the cultivation of wine grapes and are parallel to the large vineyards of southern France and northern Italy.

Show More Cape Cod Winery creates premium wines for residents and visitors alike to enjoy the best seafood and gourmet cuisine available on Cape Cod. Visit our boutique winery and 10-acre vineyard in Falmouth. We offer wine tastings and a charming gift shop full of unique items for the wine lover in your life. We produce Merlot, Cabernet and Pinot Grigio varietals and mix blueberries into our Seyval grape white wine to create our famous Nobska Blueberry Blush.

Visit our website to shop online all year round. May is the annual MV Wine Fest, a four-day show of the best internationally sourced wines that combine with food created by local Martha's Vineyard chefs to produce excellent tastings. It was a 50-acre vineyard in Vineyard Haven that produced good Viognier and Shiraz wines, but surviving the challenges of New England's climate, local nature and soil makes MV far from an ideal place for a vineyard. In October, when the season begins to slow down, wine lovers flock to Martha's Vineyard for the Food & Wine Festival.

Along with a fantastic sample of excellent wines and food, you will find interesting speakers who share their knowledge of the origin, vineyards and history of each wine.